Jacky* can’t hide her excitement. She has just been offered the job of a lifetime. After many months of scouring the newspapers, answering adverts, and receiving tons of rejections, she just cannot believe her luck. But, what Jacky* doesn’t realise, is that she has just entered the world of the…
Continue ReadingTag: facebook
Parental Control Guidelines – How to tighten the reins
How good is your parental control when it comes to your kid’s network exposure?
Continue ReadingEducating our Children, rather than blindsiding them
Are we educating our children, or blindsiding them to the real world?
Continue ReadingTeen Depression – is the age of online to blame?
Before, I get into this topic, know that I am not a qualified expert on the field. But, teen depression is most definitely rife, and exploring the possible reasons behind it, is a duty I feel I must partake in. And, of course, share with you. Have you ever binge-watched…
Continue Reading5 Ways you can stop a Facebook Stalker
Facebook stalker or real life Jack the Ripper – both can be just as scary. It can be flattering, there is no doubt, when you discover that someone is watching you. Or more accurately, stalking you. A little part of us does feel a bit weirded out, but another part…
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